What does Nuntius Columbae mean?
The name is what we stand for.
So it's Nuntius Columbae, what does that mean and what does the logo stand for and what about that family crest?
Nuntius is latin for messenger, just as, in dutch, "bode" from our family name "van Duijvenbode" stands for.
- Columbae is latin for pidgeons, just as, in dutch "Duiven" from our family "van Duijvenbode" stand for.
So far the easy part of our name, so the company name is directly liked with our family name.
After all we are a family business!
And the abbreviation NC-BG is often seen bij people as an extra reference to the owners, they call it the "Nancy Cor Business Group"
Then the logo, a writting feather and the birds.
The feather stand for our messages (there is Nuntius again) regarding our fields of expertise, that we bring to our clients.
And the birds (there is Columbae again) are our consultants who bring this messages to all our clients , and that we can implement that message in your organisation. From top to bottom.
And for our family crest, just follow the link (click on the shield) and you will have an even better understanding of our name.